it's times like these i regret deleting all my SC screenshots:
-the entire vamps rp getting teary at a sam and juna scene
-fights between jacey and everyone xD
-talks of a bisexual polar bear with split personalities
and the list goes on.
copyrighted. All materials and pictures enclosed The story of JadeWings Castle and those that followed.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Happy One Year from Lunaaaaa
Hey guys!
Luna here ^.^ and I just wanted to make a little something to say, "Happy One Year to Vamps RP!"
I've been here since ALMOST the beginning, (as close as you're gunna get) and I've watched the RP flourish and grow into one of the awesomely things I've witnessed and it's all thanks to y'all and those who sadly aren't with us anymore..
I know it might not be my place to say, seeing I've left twice and been quite unloyal in that way, but when I came back, I never understood what was going on, and that's awesome because it means that stuff happened and people continued this thing on and expanded it to become so complicated not even a Luna summary could explain it all in less than 5 posts to do it any justice (;
Anyways, I'm a bit rusty but there's a little post (:
Luna here ^.^ and I just wanted to make a little something to say, "Happy One Year to Vamps RP!"
I've been here since ALMOST the beginning, (as close as you're gunna get) and I've watched the RP flourish and grow into one of the awesomely things I've witnessed and it's all thanks to y'all and those who sadly aren't with us anymore..
I know it might not be my place to say, seeing I've left twice and been quite unloyal in that way, but when I came back, I never understood what was going on, and that's awesome because it means that stuff happened and people continued this thing on and expanded it to become so complicated not even a Luna summary could explain it all in less than 5 posts to do it any justice (;
Anyways, I'm a bit rusty but there's a little post (:
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Current Summery of Vamps Rp or The RP
The continent has not changed much, even with new characters inhabiting its edges. Dr. Denshu's Clinic for Magical Creatures is a sinister place that houses the 5th ward( for the mentally in need) and the 2nd ward (Children's ward) where experiments are run by Dr. Denshu, in conjunction with his friend Nico. Nico runs a undisclosed lab in the middle of the woods. He is brilliant, twisted scientist from the future. He has cronies Craig, a one fanged, tube socked, pudding sucking Vamp. He managed to make him better by lobotomizing him and adding donor vamp blood through copper leeches that are attached to his neck. Craig can usually be found in the woods, sent on errands or having make out sex with his mate Nova, a Liboshomen.
Ren runs all the hunter camps (more hunter info can be found on our other blog link Reverie. Just type Hunters in the search box,) but her main camp was blown up by a Platinum beastie named Vrisika. Vrisika had been rescued by a ex-hunter named Ax. However, after she blew up the camp, she disappeared and Ax returned opening a camp of his own. Ren the head general is very suspicious and comes to question him. After all, Ax was considered a traitor to his kind. In fact, it is so strange that Nico has brought a wolf that he found in the woods and asked that Ax break her in, so that he can use it in his experiments.
In the city, Monstevr (a SC based Vampire Char) and Scott are running around. Monstevr is currently in charge of a orphan named Picayune or Juney, that is being charged of thieving. She is under order to be brought to McFlortt in order to establish a bloodbond. Scott is on a case of a Ghost, a small girl stopping him before he could actually leave.
Back in the woods, Keita and his very pregnant mate have discovered that a cub that escaped from the lab is actually his son. Born, in Nico's lab the poor creature has been devoiced and conceived through unethical means. Craig had been sent to retrieve him back, but has found himself caught back up with Kate, whom he's known since their days on the 5th floor. Kate, a lycan, was his first crush and they have a love hate relationship. Especially, since Kate chose Keita over him in the first place. One more character that needs to be added is Noel, who is a poltergeist. She gets around, having run into a special orphan named Zooey and is sought for her ability to access Elsewhere and bring back the souls of the dead.
I think that about summarizes it. Questions? Please post in comments and I'll do my best to answer.
Ren runs all the hunter camps (more hunter info can be found on our other blog link Reverie. Just type Hunters in the search box,) but her main camp was blown up by a Platinum beastie named Vrisika. Vrisika had been rescued by a ex-hunter named Ax. However, after she blew up the camp, she disappeared and Ax returned opening a camp of his own. Ren the head general is very suspicious and comes to question him. After all, Ax was considered a traitor to his kind. In fact, it is so strange that Nico has brought a wolf that he found in the woods and asked that Ax break her in, so that he can use it in his experiments.
In the city, Monstevr (a SC based Vampire Char) and Scott are running around. Monstevr is currently in charge of a orphan named Picayune or Juney, that is being charged of thieving. She is under order to be brought to McFlortt in order to establish a bloodbond. Scott is on a case of a Ghost, a small girl stopping him before he could actually leave.
Back in the woods, Keita and his very pregnant mate have discovered that a cub that escaped from the lab is actually his son. Born, in Nico's lab the poor creature has been devoiced and conceived through unethical means. Craig had been sent to retrieve him back, but has found himself caught back up with Kate, whom he's known since their days on the 5th floor. Kate, a lycan, was his first crush and they have a love hate relationship. Especially, since Kate chose Keita over him in the first place. One more character that needs to be added is Noel, who is a poltergeist. She gets around, having run into a special orphan named Zooey and is sought for her ability to access Elsewhere and bring back the souls of the dead.
I think that about summarizes it. Questions? Please post in comments and I'll do my best to answer.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Antiqua Historia Albionis
Journal of Ghost, ex owner of Jade Wings
As the dust settle within the ruins of the desert Kezal, Ghost made his way down the ancient sandstone stairs into the main part of the ruins. It had taken him weeks of cross examining the local books, myths, and legends, but he had finally found the tomb of Magus, the archmage who created Albion. He brought out a book, inscribed with archaic runes, and went along the walls of the tomb, translating as he went, learning how Albion was created.
It was nearly 2000 years ago, a great plague had begun to strike out at magical beings, the source seemed to have came from the non-magical humans. Magus, the head mage of Eldion, had became worried about the safety of all magical beings, especially himself. It seemed the humans had become jealous of their powers and sought to wipe all of the magical beings out, innocent or not. He had a plan to save them all, at his own sacrifice.
The power to do it was immense, his magical silver aura was ablaze, casting a light of hope upon the observers in the night.Quakes shook the world, as the Eldion crystal glowed a jade green color brightly. The ground started to uproot itself, the land was nearly the size of Russia, water poured from lakes cut in half and lava flowed from a volcano split in two. Its height reached the clouds, and when the crystal stabilized, Magus casted one last spell, one that would make sure humans would never be able to set foot upon the floating continent, which would soon be called Albion.
And with the last spell, his aura solidified. And sure enough, when Ghost turned his light to the middle of the room, the man once known as Magus stood there, trapped forever in his crystallized aura.
As the dust settle within the ruins of the desert Kezal, Ghost made his way down the ancient sandstone stairs into the main part of the ruins. It had taken him weeks of cross examining the local books, myths, and legends, but he had finally found the tomb of Magus, the archmage who created Albion. He brought out a book, inscribed with archaic runes, and went along the walls of the tomb, translating as he went, learning how Albion was created.
It was nearly 2000 years ago, a great plague had begun to strike out at magical beings, the source seemed to have came from the non-magical humans. Magus, the head mage of Eldion, had became worried about the safety of all magical beings, especially himself. It seemed the humans had become jealous of their powers and sought to wipe all of the magical beings out, innocent or not. He had a plan to save them all, at his own sacrifice.
The power to do it was immense, his magical silver aura was ablaze, casting a light of hope upon the observers in the night.Quakes shook the world, as the Eldion crystal glowed a jade green color brightly. The ground started to uproot itself, the land was nearly the size of Russia, water poured from lakes cut in half and lava flowed from a volcano split in two. Its height reached the clouds, and when the crystal stabilized, Magus casted one last spell, one that would make sure humans would never be able to set foot upon the floating continent, which would soon be called Albion.
And with the last spell, his aura solidified. And sure enough, when Ghost turned his light to the middle of the room, the man once known as Magus stood there, trapped forever in his crystallized aura.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
I really liked this poem written by Boberts Asasin from Shadow Cities
When stars get their
It's a sign of the end,
A sign that all is come,
A sign to all that you are watching,
The soul of the almighty
That blooms,
And flourishes,
But it is also another
A sign for a new beginning,
Yet the past will be
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Geneology Continued.
Juna honestly tried, turning over the Onyx rings to Luna and leaving behind JadeWings. She built her shop and hutch next door, trying to forget. Shiina was grown up, but Nico was still young, and as human he aged slowly. She felt he would be better sent of to Japan to study among his human peers, even though he was only 5. Besides, she found herself pregnant once again, it had been a blur. A side of lust from her Were side that she had fallen for Breon. Between, that and the constant fights with Ghost, one morning she felt it. The mark that she had carried from childhood, vanished, freeing her from him.
She found herself surrounded by children, 5 cubs, Siya who she regretted, not realizing that kissing an angel could result in children. Breon, disappeared. Rumors always floated that he'd been killed by a Werewolf named Shade. She would often watch from a distance, and wonder what was going on at Jade Wings, which she avoided. Strangers arrived in the form of Ookami and Kaane, who were from a strange future and found themselves trapped on the continent. The hunter camp thrived in the distance but bothered very little. Another stranger and his brother, Takashi and Kaito came and resided in the hut. A small gnome named Hecklebottom passed through and Juna managed to meet up with a very rare creature, Nora, a Lobishomen, who fascinated her quite a bit.
Everyone assumed Ghost had died, but he was hiding. blinded and taking on the name Niician; He had vanished soon after and noone had heard of him. Juna continued to raise her children alone, somehow jinxed to have the fathers either disappear or die. But, she swore, after Anya, a donor vamp with dark chestnut hair and deep violet eyes, and Keita, a ginger lycan with the same violet eyes, that she would have no more. And that is when she was attacked and found herself in Tenkoku, while below a curse swept through the entire continent. Anya and Keita survived, somehow partially raised by Luna's brother Sam and his girlfriend Jackie; afterwards their history became sketchy, but they found themselves residing at Dr.Denshu's Clinic for Magical Creatures, where the story began again as people began to appear, having fallen asleep for more than 20 years.
Now, JadeWings stands over grown, but there are new caretakers for the old castle. Also, creatures have begun to inhabit the woods and grounds around, the curse still slightly lingering.
Nora and Keita
Keita's life was perfect. Nora was starting to show and he loved the way her curved body felt under his hands. He was even getting used to his human form, something that he had not quite appreciated in the past, preferring to stay in his lycan form. But, as he swam, he appreciated the lithe feeling of the water on his skin, cool and slick, letting him dive further and faster below the murky pond water. He could never have imagined his past nightmare catching up to him. Not on this beautiful day, not with Nora waiting for him on the bank.
Fear. That's all he remembered. Why, he had found himself suddenly alone near the edge of the woods, he never knew as he clawed his head. His pitted stomach jutting inwards over his ribs. Hunger. Pain. It was never ending, he shook himself. His ginger fur settling over the patchy scars that ran down his body. His mended back leg that had been fractured by two lab creatures, ached slightly, but that was the least of his worries. He shivered, outwards he was no more than a young pup, a lanky half grown lycan, who was gulping in fresh air by the lungfuls. He whined and thought of his mother, J0N4, still inside, perhaps wondering where he went. A loud sound cracked through the air from a distance, caused him to run off, into the woods, his tail firmly tucked beneath his legs.
Nora, had been sitting on the blanket near the pond, waiting for Keita to return, when she'd seen the flash of ginger fur and yelps as the creature had seemed to tangle with some nearby briers. To her shocking surprise, after a few moments, it wasn't Keita who had emerged as she had thought, but a youngling that was could have been his identical twin. The poor creature was so starved that every rib and spine bone could be counted against the patched scarred hide and as she called out to it, he turned his gold eyes to stare at her in fear, cringing back.
He saw the girl on the blanket and the offered food in her hands. Oh, he wanted it. So badly, but he was afraid. He cowered and flattened himself, hesitating and trying his best to pretend that he was invisible. His gold eyes traveled to a basket beside her, he could smell something. Greasy, creamy, butter. He could hear her voice crooning, something as he got so close, that with effort he could touch with the tips of his claws the smooth roundness of a peach she offered and graze the edge of her hand. He watched as her other hand moved to the basket. "Its ok. Its ok" were snatches of what his brain caught as the movement startled him and he let out a coughing snarl, jumping back at her movements of lifting the basket. His eyes reflected shock and slight surprise at her voice, the small surgical scars on his throat were perhaps the reason he could give no more than a small yelp or coughy snarl as he knocked the basket over and snatched the butter.
She pitied this small creature who, lunged slightly away, and grabbed the ball of butter; she watched him dash back before cramming the whole thing into his mouth so voraciously that it oozed and squelched out the sides of his jaw. Nora couldn't help but laugh at it
- Keita,there's a curious little youngling that looks just like you here. Ginger fur, gold eyes...maybe you should hurry up and come look- was her mental message to Keita who was still swimming in the pond. To the youngling she pointed to the sides of her mouth "You're oozing butter."
Keita had just captured a good sized trout when he received the message, causing him to snort u p a good ounce of water- Aaakhh, wha..? Is it Logan?- Logan was one of his other cubs, that Kate is ex-mate usually prevented him from seeing, he sent her the mental message back as he broke the surface of the water with a loud thrashing sputter.
Having scurried back a few paces, he was running his tongue around his jowls as if trying to catch every drop down to the essence, but his one ear flicked curiously towards Nora's laugh and he studied her curiously. He watched her pat the blanket beside her and his ears caught a "Welcome to sit her with me." his gold eyes almost caught in the trance of her voice.
Nora sent the message back to Keita - I don't know, no voice. Scars over his throat. He likes butter though.-
Keita got up onto the bank, grasping the trout by the gills and tromping quite noisily up the pat. - Doesn't sound like Logan...- He came into full view and seeing the overturned basket, turned to Nora "Are you ok?"
The noise that Keita was causing seemed to break the trance, causing the youngling to scurry with a cringe as if being struck, back into the bushes.
Nico's lab may have been the sign of sterility and cleanliness, but the cruelness was evident on the bodies of all the creatures that resided there.
Nora clicked her tongue, and reassured Keita "oh, I'm fine! He voraciously ate my butter, but its ok. He seemed so hungry!" she said getting up and clicking her tongue softly as she meandered towards the bushes and holding out her hand. "Hey, it's ok! Come here." Keita set the fish down, looking very crestfallen " He ... ate the butter..." he picked up the skillet and followed her, hoping to catch a glimpse of the butter thief.
The youngling was intrigued by Nora, but catching a glimpse of Keita wielding a skillet, only caused him to butt scooch further into the bushes, flattening himself like roadkill against the ground. Only his eyes glittered flickering wildly back and forth.
There was reassurance in her voice, a comforting kind. Not the hypnotic one that he had grown accustomed too in the lab. His mind began to travel back to it.Nico's lab may have been the sign of sterility and cleanliness, but the cruelness was evident on the bodies of all the creatures that resided there.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
It all began at a castle called BloodMoon with a smatter of lost souls who wandered in. At that time a dark vampiric queen named Jacey had taken on Ghost as her mate and together had started a coven.
Others began to join, including a fire demon named Sardo and a small shadow Kage.
Daiguren also appeared as a trainer and good friend to all living at BloodMoon
It came that out of all the children Kage and Sardo had, it was Juna whose parents had been murdered that stole Ghost's heart from the start. And that was the beginning of the end of BloodMoon. Little known to Queen Jacey who tries her best to win Juna to her side and then with losses of temper, tormenting her. Driving a stake between herself and Ghost, who with unknowing patience seemed to be molding Juna into what in the future would become one of the leaders of Jade Wings.
He went as far as to grant her wish of being turned into a vamp when she was eight. Even though she never developed the traits that were common to vamps.
The conflicts grew and finally in hopes of settling peace, Ghost created a new castle, the only one that still stands. Jade Wings. Set on the edge of a Avian continent.
Together they had Shiina and then Nico. But, even though, it seemed that Juna and Ghost were meant to be soulmates, the marks that bonded them, tensions between them grew as Ghost spent more time on his travels and Juna alone, trying her best to run; Jade Wings.
She never truly meant it. To cheat on Ghost....
To be continued.
It all began at a castle called BloodMoon with a smatter of lost souls who wandered in. At that time a dark vampiric queen named Jacey had taken on Ghost as her mate and together had started a coven.
Others began to join, including a fire demon named Sardo and a small shadow Kage.
Daiguren also appeared as a trainer and good friend to all living at BloodMoon
It came that out of all the children Kage and Sardo had, it was Juna whose parents had been murdered that stole Ghost's heart from the start. And that was the beginning of the end of BloodMoon. Little known to Queen Jacey who tries her best to win Juna to her side and then with losses of temper, tormenting her. Driving a stake between herself and Ghost, who with unknowing patience seemed to be molding Juna into what in the future would become one of the leaders of Jade Wings.
He went as far as to grant her wish of being turned into a vamp when she was eight. Even though she never developed the traits that were common to vamps.
The conflicts grew and finally in hopes of settling peace, Ghost created a new castle, the only one that still stands. Jade Wings. Set on the edge of a Avian continent.
Together they had Shiina and then Nico. But, even though, it seemed that Juna and Ghost were meant to be soulmates, the marks that bonded them, tensions between them grew as Ghost spent more time on his travels and Juna alone, trying her best to run; Jade Wings.
She never truly meant it. To cheat on Ghost....
To be continued.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Forest- Noel
She peeled off a faded orange bracelet, the writing still held her known name. Winona. no last name, because technically she had never had one. Why would she? She had raced with the wind, felt the tall golden grass brush her toes as her horse raced the clouds in the sky.
But it had ended and she had appeared, barely remembering the details of her life, as a poltergeist. She had taken on the name Noel, and with Denshu's help, had managed to settle into clinic life. Her bedroom reflected her thoughts with its stone mosaic aligning one wall. She had tried escaping at times, but everywhere she went, she was greeted usually by shrieks of "You're a Ghost!" or simply just "Ghost!" she hated it and always tried to explain that she, was a poltergeist. But, most didn't understand. So at Denshu's clinic was where she had made her home. Often, when things became chaotic she'd head down to the third ward, where the comatose lay in their eternal like sleep. She liked sitting on the edges of their beds meditating until someone usually Craig or Kate came looking for her.
Craig had come looking for her. It was simple enough, a mental message asking where she was at. She was hiding out in a very remote part of the forest, probably meditating about something. "Noel, where are you." he called out.
Noel sighed, she shook her head. It would take a long time to get over the fact that she'd seen Little One and Luta. They had looked just like she remembered them; young, happy, carefree. The entire Lakota tribe had looked like they always did on a warm summer day. Horses racing in herds freely through the camp, people bustling to and fro. She had even taken Siri through it, on their way to find the witch that had tormented him for 3054 years.
Siri, she had never been able to connect with a comotose until she'd met him. She'd learn that he'd been trapped in his body for so long; punishment from a witch named Picayune. He had stolen an amulet from her and in returen, she'd banished him to his body for 3054 years. And then they had met, almost by accident at the clinic and together they had returned the amulet. But, it had helped that someone had tried to exorcise her at the same time, pushing them to Elsewhere.
He had come back, and it seemed that maybe they were meant to end up together, when he'd actually rescued her from her captor who had trapped her in a canister. She would never forget the tender kiss and the way he wrapped the jacket around her.
But no, she'd awaken on a journey to find him kissing another girl. She'd fled, not wanting to be a third wheel. Who would want her anyways. She'd happen a glance at the river and saw a scrawny poltergeist, who'd given herself a gauze scissor haircut, so that her black hair stuck up in all strange angles, medical bracelets stacked on one scarred arm, her other arm a mass of scars where she had tried again and again to gain access to Elsewhere and failed.
Now, Craig was searching for her. At least, one of her friends still seemed to care. She had sent him a message to meet her in the woods. And as she listened, she could make out his voice, calling out to her.
The Lab- Nico
Nico, could not believe that Craig had let the lycan go. Still, he had gathered what he needed and more. Lobotomizing the youngling, had been fine, he had been amazed to see all the shock that he'd been able to absorb; and it enticed him, when he had found out that it had been the lycan's son.
He was bored, he had felt excitement when he had given Mora her lycan heart, rousing her from Elsewhere and bringing her back. It was his first, he had toyed back on the hunter camp with bringing back dead beasties, but none had ever chosen to come. He looked over his files and his mind drifted as he read the files on his desk.
For the first time, in forever it felt, he thought of her. Shiina, his older sister. A tiny part of his heart had died when he'd heard through outside contacts, that she had passed to Elsewhere. She had always been wild and the only one that she had occasionally listened too was her uncle the Shadow Lord. It was perhaps even him, that had sent her on the mission that ended her life. He didn't know the details, and probably would not since it had been so long ago.
But that's when the idea began to grow. What if, he did, bring her back. She would need a new body, but he had that. What, he didn't have was her soul, the key to bringing back someone from Elsewhere or did he. When Syla had passed, he had been there as well. Though, he refused to take credit for her sudden demise and he had retrieved a crystal that had glowed with someone's soul. Was it possible?
He rummaged through his things, a steel box that he took everywhere with him. It wasn't possible for it to be so conveniently placed for him. He pulled out a silver chain and yes the crystal at the end still glowed, a soul shard.
Noel had attempted to return to Elsewhere, the call of the wild grass and the warm body of her horse had never left her. She was partially still upset that she had chosen to cross the river and come back, to Siri, who in the end had disappeared. She'd caught a glance of him, the one time she had drifted towards the castle. He had seemed happy, with a new girl, a Neko of sorts and she'd simply turned away, wandering through the woods aimlessly. She had debated returning to Denshu's, but her heart wasn't in it. She fiddled with her medical bracelets as she settled on a branch, phasing through it and solidifying so that she looked like a owl staring out into the sunset.
"Do you know what this is, Craig?" Nico held up the chain, soulshard dangling at the end. Craig shook his head, "It looks like a glowing crystal." came his drone reply. Nico shook his head, "Well, it is in a way, but it contains a soul. And this particular soul, needs to come back, to be Better." Craig reached out and held it between his fingers studying it. "Better, but how will you bring it back?" he asked his curiosity piqued. Nico frowned, we need someone who is capable of traveling to the Other plane." Craig looked up. "Oh, you mean Elsewhere?" he said so suddenly that Nico looked startled.
"How do you know of Elsewhere?" He prodded, his heart giving that tiny leap when he knew something was close to his grasp. Craig raised an eyebrow. "She was here, that poltergeist you captured that someone released or stole. She is fully capable of traveling the planes. Her name is Noel."
Nico almost died of frustration "Well, we need to find her Craig. You know how I feel, when I wish to make someone. Better. Can you find her for me? I know you can." Craig nodded "Of course, to make Noel better and bring back a soul as well." He strode to the door. "I never let you down...father." The last word lingered in the air as he vanished.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The Lab- Nico
He could have been one of those, the kind that blames their parents for taking their childhood, but in reality, his mother had loved him, his father, even if he hadn't been around much had loved him. He could have blamed the hunter school that he had snuck off too, instead of the Japanese boarding school that his mother had hoped so much for. Where he learned that staring into a classmates dying eyes was like watching a star fade into the sunrise.
But, it was the curiosity of science and the consequences of experiments that had made him explore deeper into what had made things spark. He had even changed his name to Ookami and his kind violet eyes always seemed to draw people towards him or had. That accident in the hunter lab that had left him disfigured, had hardened his soul into a rock of pure bitterness. He ran his gnarled hand across his scarred pocked skin. That bitch of a head general, Ren, had caused it, toying with his heart, and then betraying him. The acid that had fallen on him from those shelves, compared nothing to that.
Now here he was, having left Dr. Denshu's because Ren seemed after him in cold blood, after discovering that Kaane, whom he'd met in her future had been granted what she'd always wanted, a twisted childhood. He glanced at the cells, all lined up with a collection of creatures and his newest addition had been J0N4, whom to his surprise had, had offspring. One which he had promptly sacrificed in the name of science to raise a girl, he later found out that her name was Mora, from the dead. Kaane had "played" with her a little too rough and Mora had required a lycan heart to be brought back from Elsewhere. The other, held no interest and he had promptly sold him off to help support his expenses in buying more things for his lab.
Keita had faced worse things, even if his memory didn't serve his past well. He was strapped down and his muzzled, a rod shoved between his teeth, so that all he managed to emit were sounds of anger. His gold flecked violet eyes had taken in the whole lab, a steel like box with cells that lined one wall. His eyes also, caught the horrors that made him wonder why exactly Craig had brought him here. By the steel sink lay what looked like a decimated lycan cub body and emanating from one of the cell's the cry of his son repeating "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you" only seemed to ring over and over in his ears. He slammed his head hard against the gurney, but it only caused a jarring pain as the bar in his jaws crammed further. He phased in his mind between staying in the present or drifting into his head.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Dr. Denshu's Clinic for Magical Creatures- Noel
Her room was simple enough, a bed in the corner with a nightstand on the side. It was her walls and the one small window that stood out. It had taken decades perhaps even centuries, but inlaid in intricate designs all along the walls were small stones, gathered and acquired through friends and journeys that had finally brought her here, to Denshu's Clinic for Magical Creatures.
Craig had come out, holding onto a empty pudding cup. His room stood directly across from Noel's and he enjoyed the Poltergeist's company, even though the first time he had met her, he had accidentally called her a ghost to her face and had watched her stomp on everyone of his carefully collected and cleaned cups. He put on his best one fanged grin and padding over quietly knocked her door. "Hey Noel? Are you up?" He ran his fingernails over her door and then shuddered at the sound they made, stopping. He looked around, the hallway was beginning to wake up and the usual healers walked around, knocking on doors and helping those that needed to get about. This was life on the fifth ward, except today, he could smell, " was pancake day...again..." he let out a burp, he disliked pancake day, preferring the more innocuous porridge days that smelled like, well nothing.
"Hey Noel...are you in there?" He knocked a little louder.
Noel cracks open the door. "Yeah, Craig...hold your horses, geez I was looking for my clips." She stares at him momentarily and then snickers "You do know that tube socks are not a fashion statement by themselves. You should go put on at least a pair of pants before Healer J makes you dress completely."
Craig looks at her, his one fang glinting "I prefer to not have rough clothing brushing against my sensitive skin, thank you very much." he shoots back looking down at himself. He holds out the strawberry pudding cup. "Pudding?"
Noel shakes her head "Craig, someday, you do know that you will have to consume something besides pudding. There's..." she sniffs the air. "Awesome, there's pancakes. Wouldn't you like to try...pancakes. I'm sure Kate can get you to try them." she squints her eyes wickedly.
"No....No pudding is calming and consistent. I love pudding."Craig takes the small cup back and cradles it slightly in his hand.
Noel let's out a tinny sarcastic snort "No shit Sherlock, we all know you love pudding." she drifts out, wearing her usual tight graphic tees and skinny jeans.
Craig smiles and bounces on the back of his heel's impatiently, Noel was fun and he was actually surprised to find her in her room. Usually, he or someone else would willingly troop down to the Third Ward where she preferred to spend time with the comatose, watching them and strangely enough holding hour long conversations, where she would sit perched like a colorful parrot, on the edges of their beds. When he had asked her one time, why, she had replied "they are quiet and don't cause chaos and drama like up on the fifth ward." She had done this while staring very pointedly at him. He didn't cause drama, well, at least when it did happen he did not entirely blame the fault on himself. Noel and Kate seemed to have made it their mission to torment him about his obsession, as they called it, for pudding. Especially pudding that came in sealed little plastic cups.
"Okai, I am ready for breakfast!" Noel suddenly announced brightly, coming out at full speed and purposely phasing through Craig, giving him the sensation of being plunged in an icebath. She gave a small twirl and the clinic bracelets shuffled down her thin arm, "Come on Craig...It is pancake day! Bobbi must have taken her meds all week, cause smell that sweet scent of holiness." She grabs his hand "I won't even push you to go get pants on." She glances two doors down and notices that Kate's door is already ajar and she begins pulling Craig towards the mess hall. "See Kate probably already beat us to the Mess Hall." she grumps "Move faster....Craig...its not going to kill you to go."
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Dr. Denshu's Clinic for Magical Creatures- Nico
Nico had laid out every shiny scalpel, that Grom had made, out carefully on the stainless steel tray. They glinted in the soft light as he rolled it alongside a groggy Craig who hung from the ceiling, strung up in chains, like a trussed up deer.
Craig tried to move, but found himself wincing as the silver rings, lined and piercing down his back, connected to to the chains. " What the fuck..." he hissed, coming to slightly, glancing at his arm where a light green fluid dripped slowly in.
"Ah good, your awake." Nico spoke in a soft lilting tone. " I read your file, Craig, and you my boy are my new pet project." he continued hypnotically as he slowly lowered him. Letting his feet barely touch the ground.
"What, what the fuck is all this...let me...go" Craig suddenly whimpered tugging at the line. Nico turned to look at him and shook his head. " I wouldn't...see that is the only thing keeping your skin from not melting into a bubbling pool of vampire fat at your feet.
Craig's eyes fell onto Anya's unconscious form, that stood a little ways away on a exam table. " You must be a sick bastard if you are picking on the likes of her" he spit back, twisting violently, only to have an agonizing pain sear into his back.
Nico, still busy laying out his tools came over and grabbed Craig's chin with his gnarled hand. " Has anyone ever told you, what an annoying pathetic voice you have?" he growled, squeezing harder, bringing a scalpel to his face. "Well we are going to change...that. Don't worry." he peered into Craigs widening eyes, " I won't sew your mouth shut. As tempting as it sounds" he sneered slightly, his voice still hypnotically suave.
It was at that precise moment that Craig felt a sudden sense of fear shoot through him and the trickling moisture soaking into the crotch of his pants and down his legs, only reassured it.
Settling in his leather stool that glided almost silently, Nico had moved around and to the side, the scalpel glistening in his hand as he began running it around Craig's scalp like a can opener " Did I ever tell you about..hunter's? Hmmm?" Craig whimpered loudly, " ah...nononono...shush...shush.." he paused "I'm telling a story" A numbing sensation was beginning to fill Craig as his whimpers subsided and he stood petrified listening "See I learned a lot from them, even if they seem brainless enough." Nico continued moving, to face the back of Craig's fear soaked body. He ran a finger across the back of his head. "Not feeling anything yet are we?" he asked softly near his ear.
Craig stood petrified, his knees wanting to shake underneath him, but somehow not allowing him too. He felt only the numbing sensation and the rivulets of blood that were tickling the sides of his cheeks and neck. And then he screamed, he could feel it, like a suction and a pop; the minute his scalp peeled off and the lab air hit his brain.
Nico stopped, placing down the large scalpel and picking up the smaller one. " Stop that infernal racket or I will stop it for you." he rolled back over to the front and looked into the fear sodden Craig. His violet eye glittered malevolently "It takes longer if you interrupt." he snipped casually watching Craig, gulp down the remaining screams and choke out only a silent cry. "Mmm...that's a good boy..." he smiled slightly rolling back behind and pressing some gauze onto Craig's exposed brain, that quivered slightly in the air like a its lobes like a red cantaloupe snow cone. "As I was saying, I learned a lot from the hunters, how removing parts of a beastie, made them...better. And you do want to be better? Right Craig?" he asked, slicing slowly and carefully into the upper lobe.
Craig gulped down another sob, emitting small squeaks, as his eyes traveled to the thin red gelatinous slices that began to line the tray, and then to his left arm; watching it twitch involuntarily.
"Yes, Craig...those are or were part of you. But, it's for the better. You won't even remember them." Nico replies as he once more rolls to the front. "Now there...there don't cry. We'll get you cleaned up a bit." he says softly, like a father soothing a skinned knee, he reaches over and grabs a few moist wipes from a small stack on the tray. "Aw, my boy, you soiled yourself. A good Vampire, never does that, did you know? Even the beasties that came to me never...well there might have been one or two or a dozen...but we can fix that." he says wiping away the blood and gazing into his eyes. "You've stopped speaking....nothing to...say?"
Craig couldn't feel his face, the chains pulling against his back holding him fast. He had to be in a nightmare, a hopeless nightmare. His eyes traveled upwards making contact with the one violet eye and he knew; the voice and the look made it all too real. "Please" he croaked "please let me go." he managed to rasp out. Nico's scarred face lighted up, giving him an even darker twisted look in the light. He reached up and patted Craig's cheek softly "Of course I'm letting you go. Why would I keep you here?" he let out a light chuckle as he tossed away the soiled gauze. "There that's better now isn't it." going back around and continuing his work silently. The only sound was the vents clicking on and off, like the emotion that Craig felt was being sucked and sapped away from his remaining soul.
Nico was proud, even with his grievious injuries he was still able to create. And, carefully he replaced the scalp and using his good hand began to stitch tiny fine black stitches that gave the effect of having a embroidered black band.
He stood up and stretched slightly, before walking over to Anya's immobile body and holding her up. Coming back over, he clips off the chains and one end of the drip; connecting her to the rings. He breaks the silence suddenly, "Think of her as your lifesaving back pack. She is your donor vamp, relying on you and you to her. She dies and your flesh will be hanging by your ankles. Do you understand?"
Blood had filtered into one of Craig's eyes giving it a filmy red glow, "Yes, so it seems." he replied, his voice deep and icy. He was already flexing and stretching his legs. The Anya's donor vamp venom had already begun to affect his body, causing it to bulk and harden.
Nico nodded and grasped him by his bare shoulders "Now don't you feel...better, Craig?" He studies him and adds "We need to add touch ups. Don't we.? Craig studies his arms, the drip line and let out a low snarl. At his feet, a darkness swirled around him like a cape. He cracked his neck and felt the silver rings rippling as his spine popped up. "Yes, better, in fact, I feel a need to.. eat." his deep voice resonating slightly. His eyes sweeping and eyeing the thin slices of his own brain. Nico had come back and had begun working on his arms with a tattoo needle, the chattering not drowning out his request. Glancing up, "Help yourself. Now lets revamp your skin and off you will go." Nico murmurs out loud "See, it wasn't so bad, now was it?"
The tray now devoid of its contents, Craig flexing his arms and fingers "No. It wasn't." He stomped his foot impatiently, but Nico was finished "There now off you go. And don't mention to Denshu, where we made you better, yes?" He slapped Craig's arm and pointed him to the door. With a nod, and a purposeful stride, Craig disappeared through the door and back into the ward on the Fifth floor.
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